About Us - Detroit Electric Bike Co

About Us

Larry Chiapelli

President CEO

Jake Townsend

VP/World  Ambassador

Gabe Townsend

Chief Engineer

…….Our Story

Larry, Jake, and Gabe, became friends over 10 years ago, working together at Gramma’s Gardens. Here they spent their days welding, restoring old motorcycles, doing landscaping jobs, and running a huge garden center.

During a very challenging 2020 business season, Larry became obsessed with buying and re-engineering quality electric bikes. All 3 guys literally spent the entire summer riding motorcycles everywhere, building e-bikes, and riding around the whole Metro Detroit area.

After a real busy weekend of Christmas sales, at Gramma’s Gardens, Jake and Larry discussed ways to discontinue the Christmas operations at the garden center. They both assessed the whole business, in general, and felt, after 10 years, they should explore a different business avenue. Christmas sales, in general, was too hard and freezing outside!!

It was that great time, when all three looked at each other, and said, “We should take all the money we made, from Christmas profits, and start our own e-bike company!” They then decided to call this e-bike business, Detroit Electric Bike Company. During the worst time of our nation’s history, in the year 2020, a legacy business was born.

Within 2 short months, Jake, Larry, and Gabe formed a huge corporation, built two separate fabrication shops, made a full design studio, designed and patented (5) unique e-bikes, made prototypes, and launched a giant electric bike company. Just like that!!

They also had to turn to their sister, Mary Jo Chiapelli, for help financing the prototypes and now all the production models. She always believed in me, especially with this great idea!

Because they all pooled together, their brilliant idea for a legacy e-bike company, Detroit Electric Bike Co. became known as the most stylish, the safest, and the most comfortable riding e-bike. It was these 4 business pioneers, who came along and changed the world forever!

At a time when electric vehicles were being born, and everyone was swaying away from using fossil-fueled vehicles, Larry, Jake, and Gabe felt it was a great opportunity to launch their awesome e-bike company! They also did this in the name of Detroit, so they always continue to support their local roots.

Go Detroit!!